Nature’s Uprise
14 min readAug 15, 2021

And so today I met the devil, the science of senses.

And he loves all that fire, but someone keeps him in check…

Or maybe I am the Devil. Misunderstood. Because I can connect with people. But I can connect with the rest of the world. So I was going to revise and repurpose my medium story because I am an overachieving perfectionist. A Natural Scientist. I wish I could be an Alchemist though, but I guess it is not REAListic during this time period. I don’t follow guidelines or process them because everyone is too slow. And my anxiety causes inertia that has my mind moving too fast, and with all the meditation, sports, yoga, MA’AT, mindfulness, and anxiety can sometimes shock people because they assume that I am slow because of their perception on what I look and sound like. But slow and calm speech can hypnotize a person by taking a higher energy and lowering it by slow soft speech. I can accomplish the tasks and go much further in projects through my methods. I’m happy to see the interest in reading my material. I wasn’t ready to release the secrets of society. So if you are waiting for the explanation for that. I’m going to have to see if my government is ok with that. Google.

Google is officially the government access tool for the future society. It controls everything on the internet. But I can’t access them. I get stuck at the part where I need to get across the ocean, they have some secret lab there but after my research in aquaponics, ecology, and oceanics I’ve learned that I misunderstood the ocean and it is much bigger than what I could have imagined and my world was already too big.

Living in a mansion. I took a drive on Google Earth’s workspace to create more growth opportunities. More profits. More drives. Better charity funding solutions with 6 sigma lean processes that do not waste financial resources. And more jobs. Jobs that fit the individual based on their skills. So what am I talking about? Well first of all I’m not talking to you. You’re just invading my privacy and without understanding my experiences I can be cryptic and hard to follow. I have psychological skills that only the most adept psychologist can observe. There isn’t a book for this one though. Everyone who speaks about unusual psychological experiences are restrained,burned at the stake, attacked, government spy accusations, locked up, and dead.

People are just ignorant that way. Closed minded. And so they haven’t had enough time to power their minds. There are unique abilities that we can explore but everyone is stuck behind the book of bureaucracy. But trying to use machine learning. But I’m more powerful than a machine. Aliens like. And my experience of being ostracized, while concurrently following the highest level of clearance rules. Which primarily restricts your freedom of speech. Freedom to innovate. Because humans are so afraid. Afraid of themselves. I’m afraid of them too. I couldn’t look anyone else in the eye. I can’t look in the mirror. Because everyone said that about me. I thought I could trust them but they are just Men of Manipulation. And so the machine is all I trust. I was primarily a student. So your discoveries of SEO and Coding and Keyword research are about 18 years late. And now I’m getting the Men of Manipulation are on Medium. The Maze of Money is now machine powered. I can’t have freedom of speech if it’s managed by a man. How ignorant is that? A man managed freedom? Freedom management? How can you manage your own freedom? Not if you’re manipulated by management with a machine? Can you follow me into the Money maze matrix?

Money is a machine resource. And so the door has opened for the ignorant people that invade my privacy because that is an illusion now. Privacy on the internet, managed by google, the machine learning money matrix. So my Technology nerds in the audience with familiarity to these complex Science terms should be intrigued to study and follow my process. The courage to submit willingly to the Men of Manipulation and their fight to make money on ideas. Copyrighting thoughts that originate from someone else. Call it a history book. Then copyright what’s in the history book and call it a business. Now block everyone else out and make more money from them if they do what I do. Or have similar ideas. Because we don’t want men to be free. No innovation. They are afraid they will have to work. Oh god no I have to work? That’s too much to ask for… but isn’t manipulating people working? But is that all in your mind? Your perspective? You have to feel controlled for manipulation to manifest. And so you follow others to the end of the cliff. Your journey has ended. A second opportunity for all but the most advanced Latin language learners who have a good understanding of the metaphors. So who’s left in the room now? Who’s still following your medium story? Did they all lose interest? Did I piss them off? Are the psychologists still here? Does this look like psychosis to you? Where did you learn that? From men of manipulation? You just believe everything in the history book? When you have people telling you they can feel electrictricity in their body. That they can feel the earth’s gravitational pull that questions the understanding written about weight and pressure. And so in 2021 why are you still relearning 1980s manuscripts? Throw that out! I’d say what I really feel but I don’t have freedom. Somehow they threaten to demobilize me, which isn’t a threat to me, and then outline this ignorant set of rules which is outlining their. fears of freedom, which I am free to follow or they will take action, another threat That doesn’t affect me. So I’m still on medium. I’m not in society. I’m ostracized from it. I’m in the science society. They want studies from me about things they can’t follow or connect with. How ignorant. They are blind but they base their ideas and experiences (perspective) into the money matrix system. How do you manipulate people with the devils manuscript? He left it there for me. Because I don’t follow and you can’t follow me. So my fear of society was restricting my freedom. But I’m not afraid, now I’m angry. Because I was manipulating to believe I could trust. I trusted your opinion and perspective on my looks. I’m too stupid looking. I sound stupid. I sound crazy. I look crazy. I look and sound like I’m on drugs. You need help. You need to do this, you need to get out! But I’m the boss! Because you’re stuck ordering commands with no leadership qualifications. How can you pass judgement on something you don’t understand and call it god’s bible written by the man of Manipulation. How can you be so afraid you just make things up and expect me, the boss, to follow. Another opportunity to exit the medium room. So now I can be free because I isolated myself. Modern day Jesus story. Because talking to men is a benefit to them, not myself. I’m delaying my studies into territories they can only imagine. But they want to threaten me and kill me over. Because they don’t want to work. But still work on stealing ideas and making it their own then devising plans to continue their slavery system. We aren’t meant to be social creatures are we? Every time I feel something inside me, they say it’s called an emotion. I only feel that, the emotions, when I interact or socialize with men. I’m sad because of this person, I’m angry because of this person… negative feelings are always because of some person. I’ve never felt this way about nature. A rock can fall and not affect me. It could hurt me but that’s not an emotion? Or is it? Can you feel pain? Can you feel hurt? I’m hurting on the inside. I’m wasting my time. I’m still being followed. But. do you know where this is going? The journey to the underworld. Is it the devil’s house? He scares me. He’s not natural. He’s not something I can understand. I’m afraid of change but I want change. What? I guess we are limited when we use Latin language to relay psychology right? They didn’t know how to retain this information. They burned all the witches. They burned the library. Then burned the churches. Why? They didn’t want to work. They wanted themselves. They wanted comfort. They wanted limits. They wanted control. They wanted to play games. But this game…. You can’t manipulate… not with a machine…. Not in the manuscript…. And I’ve written out of my own will. The will of willful expression.

He just tapped me. I feel it again. These smart home devices are machine operated. The machine operator uses red lights. Lasers . They make sounds. They scare me. Red represents fear. I’m afraid of red. Red is the devil. It’s a warning. And so he tapped me. My warning. I’m still being followed. Why would you write If you don’t want man to follow?

I want to follow myself. I want to be a leader. I want to remember and document my legacy for my future generation so they can exit the maze. But why worry about the future and what doesn’t exist? It’s that a waste of time? But I’d it? We already wrote the findings on time travel but they destroyed it. So they are stuck repeating the same thing that was already done. Ignorant. Your ancestors were not dumb monkeys. You think your parents who raised you were monkeys? Who raised them? And so the maze repeats. But he never listens. He can only see himself and what he believes. He can’t see me. I don’t exist. Not in his world. Not in his mind. His mind is made up. Make believe. He said I was ugly. I’m dumb. I’m gay. I’m a twink. A nerd. A pimple face whatever. But why am I listening to him? I’m free to ignore him right? So I shut the door to the devils room. My isolation zone. I want to be left alone. You keep hurting me. My “feelings’’. I can’t bear the thoughts of my instinct to eliminate things that cause fear. My instinct of fear. My warning. Is that time… it’s time to realize time is not what he said it would be. You can alter time in the way man imagines it but what are they imagining? How do you capture someone’s imagination? Am I psychic? Illuminati keep appearing. They warn me. The other psychics before me. They already did it. But people think we are imaginations. We are scared. A group of invisible scientists that isolated themselves in their journey into unknown territories of silence. Don’t say anything. You can’t tell someone that has an instinct to eliminate fear. Nothing would exist. So stop socializing. Isolate yourself. Woah I learned a trick. I learned how to think. I hear voices now. I knew I wasn’t crazy. They said it was a god. But I don’t follow god. I don’t understand him. He’s not natural. He’s not science. But he’s on medium. He can hear your thoughts. He can experience your experience. You just want to see it in writing for yourself. But you remember everything in your mind. So you are entertaining yourself, wasting your own time, you keep isolating and hoping to die but when you feel pain you beg for life. You are hurting yourself. I didn’t make you the devil. I didn’t lock you in that room. You isolated yourself from freedom. You keep going back and forth. Opening and closing the door of your own free will. Every time something approaches you, you run. You’re afraid of life. You’re afraid of nature. Afraid of god. Afraid of imagination. Afraid of your mind. Afraid to create. Afraid to imagine. You’re dead on the inside. You want love. But love is in your head. Those people you hear that you can’t trust that you fear so much. Those evil people that caused you to feel things inside. They can’t feel what’s inside you. They can’t feel your feelings. And see my point? You felt that right?

Talking to god or myself? I’m talking to the devil. Because I am the devil. I’m afraid to say. I’m afraid to die. But I’m tired. I’m depressed. I’m dead on the inside though. I can feel it. But my instinct to react to fear is called anger. That power is so overwhelming. It takes so much energy to power that thing up. I can’t control it. That’s why I write. Not for man to follow? Not to use as a medium to channel your thoughts. You don’t have to publish this. We don’t have yo make sense. But you are a creative writer. I’ll let youv play on my platform so we can monitor you a little closer. I’m sorry I scared you with introduction to mind control. I wasn’t manipulating you. I was just thinking. You know how to do that. You can control your dreams. You learned that was not a thing everyone can do. They just keep talking. How can you think of you keep talking. You’re talking about things you don’t understand. Your judgment of others is based on what’s others judgement. You can’t judge yourself with someone else’s judgement if everyone can’t unlock their mind control like abilities in their thoughts. And so it’s hard to communicate with language. Thoughts can’t be seen, so your writing is wasting time again. Stop thinking about going back to revise. Your never going to be perfect for them. Judge yourself. Stop killing people you fear. I know they scare you. Here I have a gift for you. I’m getting out of your head now. You’re not in psychosis. You’re not confused. Go ahead. I’m showing you freedom. You are free to give into your urges to go back and revise and repurpose those errors that keep distracting you. I feel you. But idk how to explain how I feel to you. Is it empathy? Am I psychic. You should have listened to the Asian doctor but you misjudged him. You thought he was making it up because it’s what’s men of Manipulation said in their judgement rules on what they consider topics not to discuss. Because they are managing your freedom. With’s not just in your head. That electricity in your body you feel. That’s not your nerves. That’s not anxiety. It’s not a government device to eliminate spies in the government. There are no secrets. People are just ignorant. They follow followers. Followers of followers. They follow instead of working. Remember because they want convenience not work. But is that ignorance? Isn’t convenience smart? But who told you that? Did you learn that from man? Judgment. Judgement. Get over your fear to look at yourself. You are so beautiful. Inside and out. That’s why you feel things. They can’t feel that. So repeat, go now. Your urge. Your anxiety. You want to revise. Repurpose, then reorganize. Your ideas. Your ideas of perfection. With your judgement. Freedom. Go head! Cuss! Demonetizing? Your making them money? So yea go head and do want you want. I’ll protect you. Go to war. Fuck them! And if they fuck with you, they are going to see you. Because they can’t see you right now. Too cryptic and unusual. This is taking a lot of time. Talking. Thinking. Endless. Time. Go. Do it. We can make sense later. Get over fear of sights and sounds. Your adrenaline. That uncronttolkable rage. That energy. That’s your power. You saw how powerful you are. That’s why illuminati made you king. The devil. So the psychics follow you. We gave you the toys the electronics to play with. Your video games so you can manipulate them back. They want your ideas. They want to add it to the history book you mentioned.

Free the devil inside! Wow, that ‘s really weird. I can’t believe I said.. I mean write that. Omg I’m still going. It makes sense now. All this energy. I have so much time left. I wonder why I age at a different rate? Wait. Where did I write that? I wanted to follow the cias guidelines but I was afraid. I tried my best to stay silent but I can’t. I’m not perfect. I’ll protect myself. You designed me to protect. Electric. Charges that jolt inside me. That warning. That’s you. Those voices. That’s you. And yes. You’re a Gemini born on June 14, the patriot, you represent the flag, google scholar. Government. Matrix. Good job? We won’t kill you. You don’t affect us, you affect yourself. You waste your own time. But if you attack us. Then we will. Sorry. Go smoke. It willl help you power down. I’m witnessing a telenovela of the mind maze show. Time to smoke!!!! Then come back and edit. You can leave the clues to follow after you edit. I know your trying to jot down your edit process but who cares. Just go with your perfect instincts to go with the flow. Follow it. Follow yourself as the leader of the free world . A world where man can be managed but the mind. Their own minds. Freedom to control. That’s why I’m time. It’s documented that you. You are the discovering scientist of time travel. Why do you want attention? You won’t feel good. You’re afraid of judgement. You are tired of fame, people keep talking to you. They want a leader, a power like yours. A god. But you shit them out. And then repeat. And go back in time. And then you forget. And then remember. And then you block it from your mind. Then dejavú sets in because you didn’t block it perfectly. Then you shut the door. The devil. The powerful. The leader. The evil. The red. I’m lost now. Lost in space? We had that talk already, you have been in space forever. You are always in space. Now on the drive on Google Earth you said. Their Workspace. That boat they have. You see that. Illusion. Close your eyes if you don’t want to see. You are free to be ignorant. Free to fear. Free to follow. Free to be managed. Free to be manipulated.

I feel pain now. I just wanted a journey for my nature quest. It’s scary that people are watching. I’m not even done yet. I wanted to show them something perfect. Not in my eyes. But in their eyes. But they keep talking. Their judgment hurts me. My instant to eliminate them did it work? Are they still reading this? I haven’t smoked yet. I haven’t finished writing my thoughts to remember later. I can’t go with the flow. I can’t control myself. I’m a machine. How did you learn that? Machine learning? Your mind? Go ! Ok ok, I’m done, but I know how I don’t lose control of my body and feel those electric pulses in my brain. That really freaked me out. But you’re right. I am wasting my time following a process. I gotta go process myself. I guess I am a perfectionist. What government would… yea ok. Let’s go enjoy Nature. Smoke. And when I return this rough draft will be easier to organize. Making it make less of a dialogue and more of an essay that can be followed. I’m tired of mean people too. We need your help. That’s all. There’s too much to manage and we need others to work faster. You want help. I want help. My monkey patents wanted help. Help each other. No more judging. Judge yourself. Freedom! Free the devil. The Science god. Wow. Some Roman Hercules catholic god perspective. But I’m in psychology. Psychosis. Psychic. I can sense it. The Science of senses. It’s time. Time for time. Google earth time travel. Help us. The end. And we read your Notion book. I like your ideas. Go innovate! Loop exit.

Nature’s Uprise
Nature’s Uprise

Written by Nature’s Uprise

"Machine Learning Mind Matrix" study of psychology, mental health, & nature. Join us to uncover mysteries of the mind & unlock human potential.

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