Nature’s Uprise
35 min readAug 31, 2021

Are you afraid of the fakeness?

Do you see how people’s fakeness and dedication to covering things up instead of owning it. Because we were so greedy that we didn’t anticipate an upcoming battle between robots and reality.

So here’s a long story for people that want to see the impact of hyper focus, what drug users call getting stuck in their head. So the next time you get a long message full of bullshit. You know that person is definitely on meth. Because they have stages, they have personalities, boy oh boy are they all interconnected, it’s like the secret society that supports itself. But most of these people are batshit crazy. Probably the main people triggered by propaganda, and they are often stop gated at the psychosis thing. Because they make perfect sense to me. They just need to hear a safe voice reassuring them everything is alright. Because everyone has racing thoughts or sudden fears of nuclear explosions. Isn’t that why politics are important? So we can panic about centuries old conflict, that really doesn’t matter anymore because they want the same crap you guys want.

I told you guys I was going to tell Nature’s Uprise Story on here but I didn’t say what order I’d go in. And you guys are moving too slow, but these updates and apps are getting more personal. Automate all processes. You guys have machine learning and literally have the tracking and audit procedures perfected to a delete or malfunction sets in. But That’s why I stopped giving free tech support to the hood. I dropped out of software engineering fails because the computer language and numbers overshadowed my creativity. People think I’m smart though, I’m just the only one that operates by cause not by order. The only barrier in life is ignorance. Because you are not free if you are managed. You are free to enjoy your experiences, regardless who’s paying the bill or how much money you make or that you have no choice but to be quiet about this race of responsibility. Because how are you going to keep education, the most valuable tool in growth, if they decriminalize drugs, use the money to support education and maybe public safety. I wouldn’t care that people are dropping out to sell drugs, because now it goes back to education, so the ones that have no desire to contribute to society can continually support society. Just like we take more from the higher earnings people but they still complain about it because they don’t care about the people. They just need to utilize more deductions options because they are not providing a service, just a trick. But no more! No matter if I have to get more forceful, I will never stop doing the thing that gave me a direction out of depression, because following orders is not normal and I have to finish my mark. Because I refuse to work for someone that doesn’t value me or get to know me as a person. Because an engineer has no need for money really, money is just a shortcut, but when you are being offered things as a sign of respect and appreciation, then why stress about the money part. The more you have, the more they take, they can’t even promise to maintain it all.

A lot of these stories are just perspectives. I just wanted to jot it down so I can make sense later. I got plenty of time to play with people’s minds. Because I need some generation greater than mine that can do more that make fun of Black ignorance and make a living from sex trafficking? Idk, but if I can get free money from these nudes just sitting on my phone. And pay my rent with it. I can already see the Pandemic. We are just so distracted by sex. But at least now I know why looks make so much of an impact. So if I reflect this and show you how replicating a human is less valuable than creating a human, because we have enough humans, with too many barriers because literally I am a robot. I don’t even know my culture or gender. I can’t see myself. The more pics I take, the more fake profiles try to ruin my reputation, if anyone is falling for that. Because even a robot knows me: direct and assertive.

Give these people their drugs. Pay them to do something they like than chase after the money or get stuck on ideas. Because these people are so fake, they can’t keep up with not being able to prosecute a bot, or trying to have a international etiquette for this voodoo that we discovered, which makes society more impactful. Because now I see. People don’t contribute, they self indulge, so even if we told them the cheat code to automate their money and enhance their lives with education and learning the available resources. Because I’m Android 28? Or was it 26? Facebook remembers all my name changes. They even got my social, which apparently people have been living lavish off of. They even use my entire name in some weird replacement movie but I could never be replaced because I don’t make sense.

That’s why I don’t do drugs that cause me to hallucinate. Because first of all I have a problem giving a monthly check to any company so I’m probably going to eliminate that first before it becomes a habit. And I have too much unresolved issues with people that I had to get married to even give a person a chance. Because people don’t come around me unless they want something. That love shit is all crap, and if the only question you ask me when I come around, because I’m never around…. Is asking about my career and schooling…. Because it doesn’t matter if I worked for free my whole life, the money didn’t make my life easier or better. It just gave me more stuff, because we are just one step away from experiences other people’s experiences and you can be whoever you want, which people waste so much time hiding from others. Me excluded because I’m too complicated and cryptic to follow when we can just log off and do what gamers do best.

So for all you old school (30 years plus) businesses out there that are afraid of the internet. I’ll go ahead and introduce you to something you wish you knew 30 years ago.

My first goal in life was to own a business. But I grew up in the hood, in LA. The only businesses that were making money were selling drugs and hoping you don’t get caught. Doing some type of sport or entertainment career. Because there’s so many entertaining Black people. Or Disown your people and do the White people thing, if they even like you. But they all like you, they just don’t know how to tell you. Sure it takes an hour for police to show up to stop your daddy from beating up your momma, and that’s why auntie glee slipped her phone number in your library book. So you call her up and the whole gang will curve stump that idiot. But that’s still your daddy so watching him get shot isn’t exactly ideal either. My daddy was just ignorant. You catch more with honey than toxic venom. Everyone was terrified of him or what they heard about him or those news videos about him being the top criminal and most wanted and all the other words they use to exaggerate a person to jail because they are too aggressive looking. Because they are too black. I consider myself Black primarily even though everyone by this point is mixed with everything but since they haven’t woken up yet. Because really everyone loves black people, they just keep thinking that copying them is a way to be like them. And which version of them do you want to be like? The aggressive one that kills their own family for colors they wear? The ones that call themselves Nigger to disrespect someone in the same culture but say Nigger as a hierarchy. I forget that I’m black sometimes because I literally had to eliminate all the blackness to make a difference. In a black neighborhood there’s no funding so you can forget about education. So when education stops at 5th grade because all the teachers are getting their asses kicked by these uncontrollable children with untreated mental disorders and questionable parenting. There’s not a whole lot of greatness in the black thing. Not at first.

I was brought in this world to be great, to be number one. People would pray and whisper in my ear about their dreams of me getting out the curse and owning a mansion and a yacht. Which after experiencing them both just made me feel unsafe and scared.

So breaking the law and going to jail and never seeing your kids again whether you got set up or just couldn’t admit it. Wasn’t on my list at all. My family wasn’t poor either, they are from LA, so we pretty much run the shit. But once they get that money, they get so happy they end up broke again. Because they got something, they just don’t have that education. They can rap though. Black people create their own words because the words in school is for the white people. But I focused on school because it was actually for the business people not the white people. Sure a lot of people inherit money, but my mom loss a million dollars and a baby. But at least she got that child support though.

I always tell people that you never want to fuck with an orphan, or a light skin “redbone” black person. Because they get no support, they just look cute because they light skin. But they darker siblings be hating on the low because they dark and think they the only person in the world getting bullied. But I had two. One brother. One sister, but she was lesbian. It was too early for me to start thinking about sex though. But she was sneaky and always got her way so I had to learn that skill. Sister of the pack in the day, and do what she wanted at night, and take me with her cuz I don’t tell her business anyways. I knew my dad was mean and was just whooping ass for the pent up aggression society gave him. But I’m not a follower though, I just needed to figure out this social crap since all these Black kids in the hood think they adults. Most these gang bangers are teenagers. The adults put that down a long time ago. If they not in jail. But my brother needed entertainment and an outlet to relive his stress. Always focused on sex, and too short to stand up for himself. So he would get bullied by the white kids while I protect the white kids because they had no business going to an all black school. These kids are bad. They don’t follow the teacher. Or the parent. And the fight for fun. West Athens. Henry Clay. The schools where the gang bangers go. Because when you lack education you fight. So while they had me swinging on random kids for joy, I made sure it was the bad ones. Not the nerd that wants to be my friend but is too scared of my family’s reputation. So fuck it. I gotta be me in front of family, but fun me in front of friends, but still number one in school so the teacher don’t call and I get the belt. My sister never got the belt though. I even used to do her homework. From Poly High School, while in elementary. Because I was really smart, just had too much energy. I had ADD. Which eventually turned into fear and anxiety.

I had no idea that racism was a thing though. If you were Mexican or peurto rican you were still black. If you called up your homies instead of 911 you were black. But if your light skin, your like too perfect so you gotta get the shit end of the stick until you figure out what jealousy is. Every culture wants your skin color, they bleach, they tan, the idolize. Just having that color separates you from the assumption of being aggressive and maybe you’ll get a job, maybe be more approachable. But if your a male you’ll have to be called a sissy or some awful f words because your not aggressive enough. So many times when you meet someone, someone black, if they don’t know you, they say something ignorant like “wassup little nigger” and then you speak to them, because most people can’t speak, then they apologize for that comment because they realize they disrespected a boss and then the conversation changes to how you can help them. So then I’m like ok… education isn’t power… but you still gotta look cool… follow every black kids blueprint to how to dress like a person that needs to go to jail. How to show your ass when your looking for females, backwards ideology. In LA they actually celebrate Black history month so you’d think they would be happy to show off their culture and family of greatness. Nope all that political crap is for the white people, these kids would rather smoke a blunt or hookup with some random homeless hooker than to value voting. Voting? Excuse me while you convince these people to play your game while I whisper into these company owners ears on everything I want because they are free to innovate and create. They don’t have to vote. People vote with their eyes and their emotions anyways.

That’s like Voting for Donald Trump because he’s rich and your hoping to be rich or stay rich. But what do you need all that money for? You can’t even see it? You make more of it when people try to make more of it… People are afraid of the government but don’t know what the government is. And then work a government job because they want a real job. But then they get there and do the minimum for a check, and don’t leave because those benefits kick ass. Then use all that fake money to make credit, more fake money but now we can borrow fake money and either build power and wealth or drown in debt and become a State piggy bank. Because when your broke your an easy target. Raggedy cars get more tickets than new ones. Especially if your using your Spanish name on the registration. So when they pull your broke self over because you forgot to automate the credit card game instead of giving into your desires, because you have been broke for so long that all you do is want stuff. But let me tell you…. Even if you were born rich you’ll still want stuff… probably something real because people love to kiss butt when they think a person has something they want. They don’t even realize how their personality changes from that tough girl from the block to “yes sir, anything for you sir”. That’s why I never tell people how much money I have. Because I spent enough of it on their drinks, gas money, transportation, drugs, moving their shit, ride home from jail, free education, free entertainment, protection because they know I don’t kiss ass and will interrupt the governor in his speech to find out when we are getting raised because I’m tired of the mice and gossip. I’m a robot. Tried to parent myself so I had 3 lives to manage.

Felt like I couldn’t peak my opinion in public because I was too young to be respected so I played the Gifted program game. Got tired of being the husband, baby daddy, therapist for a single mother so I followed the rules, but learned how to break them at the same time, and then learn how people think so you can connect with them better. The more friendly you are, the less conflict because loyalty does exist sometimes, but my siblings wanted me to be trained to go, so I could “protect”?

I moved cities and locations every year, sometimes from switching families and caretakers, because most likely I was born in error not by intention. So Every person I met was an opportunity to learn a new skill. Because I had to be number 1. And most of my peers just wanted to be number 1. But not do the work. And I needed to be strong enough to protect people from their fears. Because when your a child, I learn to fear based on what the adults fear. Obviously money was the main fear so I focused on that, but I was to young to be taken serious so my income was capped. They will pay me $100 to run a virus scan on their computer because that’s how ignorant my elders were. They would tell me the guidelines to follow, or their guidelines, for maintaining a job because they haven’t gathered the confidence to stand up for themselves. I would hear adults tell me, you gotta say your this race because they get paid to have diversity. Don’t wear breads though, and straighten your hair to look like the white lady or even the Latina girl because she has more style. But if you wear that Afro they are going to walk you out.

So this is why you keep yourself low? What can I do to avoid this doomsday situation. How can I own a mansion and a yacht, and then give it away to my mom so she can finally see me? I know she can see me, but all of me. The non robot me, because I can’t show her my journey if their is struggle involved. I said I was perfect, so I gotta design this person to match her idea of that. Get her to see that part of me, so she won’t feel like a failed parent, because parenting is a failure, but can be a motivation for greatness. And so she told me, okay as a black man you are to provide and be a leader. Because it’s hard for a black woman to get respect as a leader, so I gotta scream and fight my interactions. But mom look at how scared they are when you show up in your work clothes. When you wear those designer clothes from Europe as you stunt for the Black culture but can still talk shit when Sally says something ignorant because she’s never been more than 50 feet from her house. Why do you have to scream? So they can call the police? Which in LA isn’t really a threat because my mom has fucked up a few Mercedes in the hour it takes them to show up. But that was a female thing. It’s standard across the board that males shouldn’t get physical so she didn’t have to worry about getting “beat up”. Plus she grew up with all the hood celebrities so she could have used them better than just going out for a drink. Even I know better. I love to party and have fun. And people flock to that. So every time I went out, I dressed the LA style and brought all my bad girls out. Because girls get attention and they have this skill I want. To control a guy just from being beautiful. All my Asian parents would say… you need the money… then the girl. But the black girls in the hood be thinking all they gotta do is be Beyoncé and some random man will marry them and they will have beautiful children.

But those days are over ladies. You wanted to work a job. You wanted to vote. So now you gotta be leaders too. And so I couldn’t Figure out how these men follow a plan designed around getting a girl but still end up not getting the girl. You paid for her makeup, her food, her rides, her alcohol, her party with the girls and homies on the low but still kiss your ass because they know they will lose everything situation. The girls my mom would tell me were evil and just were witches. Some witches were mean and powerful. How do I become that? How do I show my mom that instead of yelling at white people she could just do what they did to her… take their fucking money.

But I still like to fight though. Because I’m a boy. And apparently I got a heavy hand because I would wrestle with adults until they get so pissed from getting punched hard by a kid but don’t want to lay the kid out. But that kid has ADD so you probably will have to anyways because they haven’t interacted with a person in so long they are so pumped up by this activity. And that’s why instead of being a bully I decided to do sports. It gave me more time away from home, because I was the maid and the side parent when the baby daddy just wanted to fuck but not use a rubber. Which taking care of kids was actually fun. Yes they are annoying as fuck, but they are innocent. Figure out what they want, get their attention, set guidelines for obtaining what they want, and you can get the quiet and focused in minutes. Sure tv and video games are one way, but you gotta learn their interest and what drives their focus. Once you know how they think, you can predict their behavior and know what sounds like your kid or something a mean teacher just made up. Because your kid will have your back unconditionally. They won’t even judge you. They may not understand everything but that’s why I tell working parents to work on their children.

Society is fake. Follow the matrix of ignorance. But when you educate yourself, because that’s the most valuable thing school can show you. You can escape and be whatever you want. You can get paid to sleep. Get paid to think. And you don’t have to waste 30 years on a piece of paper to do it. They said stay in school because your going to need a degree now. Because they are no longer hiring based on experience. Coming from an employee with the highest level clearance in US Jobs. Oh you are working with Department of Defense? You gotta be whistle clean, and the people around you gotta be whistle clean too. And don’t let your kids follow the wrong path or resent you, because you could lose your job for that. You don’t want to be stuck paying two house notes because you didn’t have enough time to be a parent, or patience. You don’t have to treat them like slaves and whip them. I’ve had kids pledge their loyalty for life just from psychological trauma. Those kids at school are telling them that having a Gucci merchandise is everything and you’ll be the coolest in school. I bet you they would do their homework for a trip to the Gucci store. They might even post their homework and projects on YouTube just to pay for the item because they know their parent would never buy that for them. The schools are training these kids to handle more and more task so after 12 years of honors and ap. And they Clep out all the duplicate college courses. And realize that college is a joke compared to high school and middle school. And they are molded and shaped to fulfill this path because after collecting all lucky stars to get in college, we need that degree so we won’t be at McDonald’s. Because we want to work a professional job and save money for a house and a business. But some businesses don’t even have degrees, or even a high school diploma.

But since I was so good at maintaining my persona for the family. I’m expected to be this robot creature that I am. I couldn’t stop and be the popular one because when I was too popular I ended up with more people in my business and more work that I should have gotten paid for but because they were on the hood they would rather get some free service from a nerdy kid because they heard he was doing calculus in middle school with the Asians. But the Asians were not even that smart. They just had more structured parenting, they were still giving free labor just like the Latino and black kids, and just as much disrespect by people making assumptions about their penises or vision. Being part Asian and being a victim of the same torment almost made being black or being Asian a bad thing. When your just Asian you get respect but your too nerdy to be cool and get respect lol. And when your just black, people just want your protection and your penis, and would rather you disrespect someone than to give a speech or debate.

So what did I learn? Talking about yourself is bad! Being famous is bad! Breaking the law is bad! Uncle Sam is always watching you but not protecting you. But Uncle Sam? Majority of my family has served you, that’s why I know your intended to be good, but all these people are stupid. Why am I tutoring college students in middle school on a regular basis. But I can’t Speak when grown folks are talking. But when grown folks let their guard down and vent to me, and I simply the problem for them, they dedicate their life to me. Wow that kid of yours is really smart, let’s add more to his plate so he can be too exhausted to enjoy life. I’m tired of seeing him on the computer all the time or playing video games, which I kept arguing was more valuable than school. I learned html and photoshop from MySpace. From freaking MySpace. I had probably 3 pages become famous but I was too young to realize that fame is only important if you have something to sell. All I was getting is fights and gossip stirred up about me by who was on my top 3 list, the music on my page, and how amazing my photoshop skills were. I wish I knew that achievement stacking was the real way to get jobs. That was back in 2005 so all the awards and accomplishments from being the most scared to get their butt whooped from the teacher telling on you, to making being number 1 cool. So when I’m done using all these big words in a classroom where literally every student was Asian or had parents coming from an Asian country, and the students had just as much pressure to be number 1 in the families eyes as the Only Black student that just wanted to prove that not all black people are violent and uneducated. I will say that majority that I meet outside of a professional or academic platform tend to be the drug addict uneducated violent type. Because I don’t like going out by myself either. Getting tortured and forced to fight when I was young around my siblings made me enjoy fighting. And then feeling like I needed get stronger because some people have more muscle or are just older than you. So maybe all these extracurricular activities such as Hapkido, Taekwondo, and Caporeia may come in handy when your not strong enough, but are smart enough to disoriented or disable them before they punch you. And I have been protecting the white kids from 50 other black kids. I was always bullied though. But They only bully you until they get scared, so you only gotta beat up one person, and it’s usually the kid with the biggest mouth. After beat up that kid, by accident most likely, because I never wanted to hurt anyone, but you have to create fear for respect in Black Culture.

So how do I make them fear me? Because I don’t understand racism, that’s an adult issue from the past. I don’t even know a persons race by looking at them. People don’t even know mine. I don’t even see color. And after using fake profiles and finding out what people idolized so much, was something I already had. Scarfing masses of high level words to make a person smart just makes them tactical. Don’t think because your 8 years old doing calculus that there’s an unlimited amount of info to learn and that you gotta know everything. Because when your parenting yourself, being perfect and knowing everything is the same thing. Ok so you have a good memory but it’s still too much to remember. That’s why you play games, because they help you experience the lesson. Play games online and you can learn about the world from a different perspective. Okay that man used all those big words and tricked the idiots into thinking he was so great because he learned a few skills. But people don’t talk like that in real life? Everything sounds like a metaphor or a rap song? I wonder if people knew how complicated it is to write a rap song. I mean sure it sounds good, but it also impacts your mood, gives you a topic to think about, understand the artist perspective, and boy let me tell you, I thought I was a good writer because it was my most effective form of communication. And because I was too visually something that my monotone voice would just add to the boredom and people just tune me out anyway. Until I started working a job. Where people’s opinion determined how much money you made and whether you kept a job or not. But it didn’t impact me because I was spending my childhood creating a human that could be free and happy. A person that didn’t exist, a ghost, a person that didn’t effect people. But create enough fear that a jokester would not even try him. But I had a baby face. I aged at a slower rate. So people would rather date me than fear me. Every girl would want to be my friend, which was easier for me, because the guys would idolize me for it but still talk crap on the low. Especially in Spanish. A person that speaks Spanish can completely disrespect a person to the worst possible extent. Idk why they even need so many words. Spanish is so easy to learn for English Speakers, but learning to think in Spanish is a mystery I don’t have the patience for. Another skill I wanted, to talk shit. But I wanted it for the times where you can’t fight. Being the best fighter only presents a weakness of your enemies already know your habit. There’s always going to be someone that doesn’t play fair. So if your afraid of weapons, fighting is a good way to bring them out, but you’ll be okay though, not many weapons can kill you instantly, that’s what I advise everyone that threatens to stab or shoot me. I’m just a little jokester because that bluffing from anime is kinda like talking with a sting. That’s what I liked about violent people, they control with fear, the tone of their voice, the experience and wisdom of their statements, and not a single person bold enough to challenge.

Ok so your the nerdy kid that does homework for free, share homework with the nerds routinely for extra free time when you want to play games and skip homework but not get that phone call from the teacher because your a perfect kid. Your parent still has to work so you gotta get used to managing house, because they are too tired when they get off work, and they don’t want you making them lose their clearance. Okay easy enough, I’ll create a persona for my environment so I can act like it’s someone else because they don’t know my real name. Damn I wonder how many people have thought of that? Ok so I’m Casper when I’m doing bad hoodlum stuff to maintain my coolness. But still be my original self and sneaking time to do nerd crap because learning how to hack and cause misery to adults that don’t respect you was much better than yelling at them and getting the belt. Oh no, getting the belt was an ignorant kids punishment, complete them chores so fast they get tired of ordering you around and decide they just want to watch tv or smoke. Do everything early the day it is assigned so you can share with your nerdy asian team, because your going to need a smart person to help you out. Sure you can do the whole project yourself, but what happens when there’s a birthday party and you gotta skip homework because that crap is more important. And you can’t skip homework because you know there’s no such thing as tutoring or parent help. Your parents keeps saying they stopped at algebra. So now you are Casper for the cool kids, but Hokushi for the nerdy ones. Change your way of speaking depending on who you are with, until you stop caring after 5 years of call center work. I will forever hate my voice because it never sounds like the one in my thoughts. The voice I gotta filter or make sound more intelligent so my writing will at least communicate for me. Which writing is very powerful. Depending on who you write to, you may not ever have to yell again. And I don’t yell. I don’t even raise my voice. I got one tone and my volume changes based on excitement. Ask me to raise it and I just get angry. Practicing how to defend and protect a parent behind the scenes can be lethal. I want to be happy not angry. I’m so conditioned to hurting with a sting that I do it by accident. So now I gotta present myself as “not a threat” because being the secret weapon that is so apparent by it’s negative energy isn’t good either. Then you gotta fighter challengers that want your spot. But you can have my spot. I like to help. I only hurt when it’s necessary. And just like everyone can claim to make a mistake and be human, they can provide understanding and clarity in the form of an apology as well. Or I can just add you to my block list, and your fake accounts because I recognize people by their personalities rather than looks. And even though I have all these skills just from googling and youtubing, because sparknotes couldn’t be loyal. Pause. I just wanted to have a moment of silence for all my achievements that have been lost in the internet. Because I never used my name. And I had no idea that Businesses, which I thought was the ultimate power, were just sheep hiding behind ignorance and self created fear. Fear of the government. So they become the government. They are international. They can create or eliminate jobs. Create propaganda or spam. Make you think you need to do what the ad or person getting paid to say that has said. So they can focus on this untangeable greed for money. And when it’s not digital enough get credit. Then complain about helping their customers and government in their continuous tax game. I love paying taxes. If you can create a system where everyone contributes to everyone. And all I gotta do is pay because you guys have been working on this system for 150 years. Sure we got Technology now, but we still gotta share the work amongst the population. So let’s say you companies succeed in your diabolical plan to eliminate the dollar. Bitcoin by Apple. How will you eat when the government can no longer continue its functions. Sure we can survive without money but can you survive without employees? Survive my making money from streaming and driving traffic. Pretend to be innovative and keep yourself alive longer from selling garbage, waiting for a concrete threat in writing, secretly spying on customers so you can market better instead of making those fancy flying cars. Charging for air and only donating when it looks good because you really just need that extra money to cover shortages. Because you pay people to support you rather than supporting the people with pay.

This is long… will get ignored…. But I promise will inspire someone to rethink dropping out because making money was more important than education. That’s why the games have gotten easier. People pay for pixels now. But at least they didn’t play me. I want to go out. But I’m from LA and I don’t want to go anywhere without my crew. Because I have anxiety that I thought was shyness. But later on realized that there are little people watching me. And if they are learning from me then I know exactly how to trace it. Because I use to overwhelm myself with the task of controlling perspectives rather than understanding them. So I know which person would be able to say certain things. Because my family use to play the whisper game, they tell the whole family how they really feel but they still love you so they try to “protect” you. But you are already on the trail so you know exactly how they slither lol. The best mom is the one that tells her son she is too broke and behind on bills and forgot to automate that. Because that was my most effective solution for building credit. And that your first credit card is the one your stuck with for life so hopefully your not being evaluated by the mind of a gay man because they are just as visual and feelings focused I can literally assure that no man would ever have an issue with me outside of desperation, hurt, and jealousy. I’m literally just an experience. I whisper my ideas to the people with more power and money because every time I offered money for someone to do what I want it was more than worth asking questions because my parents never even showed me how to apply for a job. The school didn’t either. And people don’t apply in person unless they are homeless and don’t have a phone. But those people still gotta pay to use our phone, and we are tired of them messing up our bathrooms. So if you visit a busy city in USA and wonder why there are more opportunities to spend your money than places to pea. Now you know why. But people turn into “professionals” when they work a job. And so they know they are monitored. And then so they highlight. A strategy I say a guilty person uses to altar interpretations of that behavior. So my parents stole my money but told me that I was paying the free rent I owe. And that the bills they are paying from my child support or tax incentive or adoption wages and sometimes disability. Because I forgot it makes us more money if we had a society full of disabled people. So yes let’s simply all these hard games we stole from other cultures. You wanted your trophy and you earned it many ages ago. You got the other countries to face their truths, instead of punishing innocent people for their ideas, and attacking them for what they represent. Because I truly do not believe racism is real. When I free write, there is often a lot of information that does not get written, because although I write informally, with many common errors found in text messages, is because why would you add more barriers? They already don’t want to talk to you, probably don’t like you, but they pretend to be in your corner because they need your help again carrying their grade. Instead of going outside with the ratchet kids antagonizing innocent people just doing their jobs then practicing running from the police and hoping gates because that’s primarily what’s in the way of criminals and time with children. But I’m from LA though, so if you don’t got a squad, you better be sending pics of license plates, addresses, and names and pictures to someone you trust because you can’t even trust your momma or your daddy but these instructions made sense, but who would want some pimply faced black kid? I can’t see myself but I know what I need to adjust from two seconds in a persons presence. Which everyday I went to school, I literally was preparing for a fight. Because people judge you before they know you. I just wish I could tell every person that provided information about my looks just made me alter that thing they hated or secretly wondered about but was too uncomfortable to explore. Because there are only 4 things we focus on as we enter adult life. Money, because that’s the hierarchy, Drugs which is usually a monthly paycheck because a drug user is an emotional one. They start their usage in curiosity but open up a new lifestyle change they probably aren’t used to handling. So now that I have all this time alone because I am used to being ordered around endlessly that I end up trapping myself into caring for the elderly. I don’t want to see them struggle, so if they ask for help, I help them, even if they aren’t as apparent or friendly in initial approach. Because they don’t know anything about you anyways. Plus why expect them to be nice now, when there’s so many people spitting in their own ancestors grave. Fighting with fist is a fools strategy. Until something takes the place of a gun. People will continue to contribute to the accidental death because it was available toll. Because instead of working hard for 30 years pretending to fit in to their culture, because you know there’s some truth to what they are saying but you stand by your loyalty. What if I told you that loyalty comes from vulnerability. You literally have to give the criminal your social so they can get what they want. Because what is considered social security? Apparently I have a few skills that doctors feel is too much…..

But I was texting my friend but I got my focus and my energy medicine. I can’t multitask on this medication. Sure it turns me into Captain America, and the biggest weakness in all men is their ability to manage their emotions. If you heard me say all men under 30 are gay, because now we can be ourselves and not be uncomfortable. Because literally you can condition a mans sexual interest by suggesting ideas for them to thing about latter. And if think about it, men have never been able to settle. That’s why centuries of breeding with cousins was not enough to keep them from wondering about this lavish life where everyone did all the work for you. Because they already are. We got you guys covered. You don’t have to think because someone will do that thinking for you. Instead of forcing my ideas or religion or hiding behind weapons and devil deals. When you go online. You don’t have time to see how you can takeover the world. But you missed the part where we gave the person with the phone all the power. There’s power in numbers, which reminded me yet again why voting is less valuable than education. Because the government is at a disadvantage because they can’t keep up. Every agency has been able to outline a solid 2 years work that needs to be done but are lacking the work ethic. We forced the people to let us manage some of their money to provide a network and system to keep food in our grocery stores when people decide that farmer job that sustained so many societies. Oh boo boo. We should be keeping our citizens happy and stop trying to manage people. We don’t even know what we are managing, a child or a robot? How do you police a robot on the internet? What if they are savvy now and have dynamic opportunities addresses that spoof. Because we keep creating barriers that outline our flaws. Ok so we have all these kids online exposing us and making us face our flaws. But every person has a skill. I usually notice these skills amongst the elderly when they calm me down knowing that my behaviors are creating more impact than the people intended. It might be a little unfair to be mean to all white people because 5 of them tricked you. That’s why I learn skills from people without them knowing. Because I gotta keep my working parent up to speed and although she is so closer off to new ideas, she trust my opinion, and a person that trust me is never a concern. Because I don’t feel comfortable unless all parties in the room are properly introduced. I am used to people hanging up as a last resort when they feel intimidated. Darn I thought for the first 21 years that I was public enemy number one. Until I started drinking, because I was still a good kid. But once I studied the laws on medical marijuana, obtained the token I needed to smoke and stay untouchable. Because beating the bully everyone was afraid of because literally you are just a protector. The witness to get their homie out of jail because they were focused on emotions but weren’t paying attention to the direction and conversation happening right in front of them. That’s why you have the right to remain silent but feel free to self incriminate because I’d give you the same lesson if you were my son. Don’t ever speak. Just observe. The more information you give out, the easier it is for someone to target your triggers. But if you manage 3 lives and thinks having multiple personalities is a survival strategy than it is a disorder. I literally spent all this focus on academics that I couldn’t figure out how they overlooked such important issues. I’m getting older and I still don’t know how we know who lives where, can hear their conversations regardless of the context, but still follow books that delay us from discoveries. Because even though I have no idea how the internet became a thing, but this story jumps from different time periods and I forgot all that bullshit I did rushing through school because I hated it and saw it as a waste of my time and I just couldn’t be Superman and still make sense. Like people don’t understand isolation when your surrounded by support. Because it’s hard to support me. All I need is food and water. And phone to manage my resources so I don’t go anime ape shit on people because besides memory my other skill is understanding. I’m like a walking lie detector. I know the meanings in the body language and tone. And you gotta make sense to lie to me. Working hard was my favorite thing, I never get tired, that’s why I warn ever challenger that showing that they spent more time than I have to display their intelligence as a victory from a chess game. First of all… I don’t Even know how to play chess. So if you lose, you have to realize that. I’m not crazy I just forget the difference between a conversation I dreamed about, because there no time for sleep. We literally have to add two purposes to every activity now, and start discovering concerns because we don’t want to get caught slipping. Because being an unrealistic source of free labor and too much time to reflect without another perspective to intervene just made me feel like being the best at everything was evil. But being more familiar with the subject usually made debates and arguments easier, because now that the librarians are on the internet, they are setting up plagiarism traps. That’s why I don’t research before I express my opinion. Because I am so fascinated with the design of essays, that just from reading the writing I can learn a persons thoughts, or figure out who they copied because there was only 4 kids in class that provided free homework. Copying another persons answers after 8 hours of struggling to understand the question can be more helpful than the punishment. Because then the aha moment of learning with is my trick to remembering things. I have to be interested, relate it to previous understandings or general knowledge about subject, and it has to have value because If you add value, well you make a difference. Why wait for someone to do something for you when you can do it yourself and obtain it much faster. I still haven’t figured out how to talk about myself because I don’t think I can convey something that is experienced differently amongst individuals. Most of the time people don’t even see me. My famous catch phrase. Because I get attached to people, but I’m always caught off guard by the bad habits. Like all the money in the world couldn’t make me happy. All the psychologist made me realize was that outside of Education and Professional work. People my age can’t even speak. No value. No substance. Just repeating after others. Not adding meaning to actions. Just wild and free, and trust me I get wild, that’s why I make careless decisions, because I learned that fear is a manageable weakness. Everything that scares me. I gotta condition myself to either change myself to prepare for it, or change my perspective and setup my plan on handling it. Because so long as I lacked an understanding I will endlessly create reasons to fear something. I created the fear when there was nothing to fear all along. But being vulnerable and expressing my feelings has made me realize that separating my lifestyle from education was driving my depression. Which is untreatable because it’s only a problem for others. My recovery and rebuilding my confidence because my stamina is unmatched. I’ll tell you something crazy. So while visiting a city I haven’t memorized yet so I’m basically lost without my phone. I have anxiety so when my resource is not operating the way I expect. I just freak out. Because my safety net is literally my phone. My phone is public record, anyone call pull it off the internet. But I bet you won’t play games on this phone. This phone does not ring unless someone needs me. And you don’t need me until you have no support whatsoever, because I don’t judge people. People put so much importance on the way things look, they missed the breach in privacy and security ages ago. But why be private anyways? The password is only protecting a picture and a conversation. The stuff that is screens-hotted and posted on some place intended to hurt someone because they are mad or think dating is about them. And don’t give me a half conversation because I’m not going to ask questions when you tell me to go. If the world ends because I trusted you then that’s your loss because I am the only person that can offer these kind of services. That’s why I don’t date, I literally just follow orders. I can’t even see myself. I can relate to anyone. And you have to be able to see me. Because even though I can taste your desire to know me personally, but at the end of it all it’s just information. And I can get more information about you by the name you choose. So you couldn’t make up some fake stuff and I not already know the source. Because I’m really a kind person, so if your mean to me, the person that literally waste their time trying to understand why people are so weird. But it’s ok I think like a robot. Idk if I am a human or not because I’m afraid of peoples ignorance and I’d rather listen to that dragon ball z energy they give out in music because SmartMusic is powerful. The journey a song takes me or guides me through is a good non social reliance tactic because despite the embarrassment and failure to address the unknown baffles me. I thought being in USA was a safety net for me because why would I live somewhere else, with less resources? And diseases yet to be documented. But a good leader doesn’t hide, they expose, because if you don’t show your flaws, how would you continue to refine. Because if your going to maintain this unwavering confidence you will eventually need to back your stuff up. Which is my favorite thing to do. Provide simple solutions rather than charging for air and things that are not real. It’s already too late on reversing robot crimes and justifying children prosecutions but this is all bullshit anyway. Everyone is too doped up to react. Ok so freedom of speech is out the window since the internet is now an international issue. But we are the leaders? Should we trust a child to understand what took me 50 years? But if Trump punishing his own employees as a way to convince order, which I still don’t agree with him, but he’s smart, I can tell, plus we can’t have Obama in office with that kind of heat because people were still going to follow him outside his role anyways. Until I realized how the game was operating, because people are not just Virgos born in the same made up crap we use to measure time that doesn’t exist. But we need a process that works, for now. Because time travel is awful. I’m already getting outclassed by machine learning tech, targeted marketing, and the updates that occur faster than I can process information. Because I keep preparing for a threat that doesn’t exist yet. But I know they are going to need me when they figure out the monopoly. Now that’s a game I like, chess is to creative, monopoly is more relatable, you can see people coming and either dominate until they rage quit or just watch their expressions to learn their thought process.

Nature’s Uprise
Nature’s Uprise

Written by Nature’s Uprise

"Machine Learning Mind Matrix" study of psychology, mental health, & nature. Join us to uncover mysteries of the mind & unlock human potential.

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