Nature’s Uprise
8 min readJul 26, 2021

Grammarly said my tone was direct and assertive…

I don’t have a reason to lie or manipulate or pretend tactics like everyone else. I can barely have a conversation with anyone under 35. It’s almost like they have no substance, experiences, or thoughts of their own…. Until they meet me. I impact and change people. Idk why I have that ability. But I love it!

I get stuck in my head still. I think too much. I’m not actually smart, I'm just really creative(persuasive) and I pay attention. When you are affected by society and they just automatically treat you different based on your looks and your name sounding too black… you get a-lot of opportunities tom practice and refine strategies. And because Ive spent so much time studying myself. Instead of getting stuck rambling and lowering my Business Brand because Society is so ignorant, Im actually just going to remove al my information about myself, because you guys don't actually care about me. The only people that can see me are Engineers, Military and Vets, People that dont love themselves, have severe trauma or druggies…. I’m going to have to use my story ramblings as a method of figuring out Medium’s scam system. Because they arnt helping make money. They are just manipoulating us to create blog traffic for their own success. What do they do for people? Pay a web hosting fee? I need that life!

But anyways I’m totally joking Medium. I’m sure you guys are doing something. Go ahead and hit me up. I’d love to get a breakdown of this platform and possible connect on a partnership. But I’m really just here for a short time. Sometimes when I isolate too much, I have to type it all out in an emotional ramble. But when I need to reflect or talk to myself ill pout it here so its still available since people always want to know what I look like. But again, my goal isn't to waste my time begging people to invest in my creativity or complex ideas and being able to think in at least 2 perspectives concurrently… I’m just going to blurt it all out and turn it into my final book. So hopefully all these failed suicides and murder attempts on my life would prevent the next individual from wasting 20 years of their life just to realize how dumb and ignorant people in high positions can be. I mean like how is someone going to tell you that you can't get the job because your resume format or its not compatible with their system (which is an assumption from lack of software knowledge) or that you listed too many jobs. What about my skills ? What about my education? what about the fact that a lot of my “achievements” are undocumented because I did them at an unbelievably early age and I didn't realize I needed to keep a record of everything. But thatnks to Apple. I am the master record keeper. I am very creative. But my focus is not strong. It takes maybe 4 hours before I can pinpoint only 1 specifc thing and say its absolute. And its not because I’m crazy or do drugs. People just arn’t used to having as much free time as I did by myself. They were so stuck on my looks that they missed a whole opportunity… and didn't even know it. So this going to be my book. I didnt have a kid yet, my goal was 30, so it was hard to find a reason to live. But then I got so tired of the failed suicide attempts and realizing the limitations in a doctor’s knowledge. I was so invisible that I would aspire to become an Assassin or CIA agent. That was the highest representation of skill I could relate to. I had no idea how easy being a business owner is, and that basically all you do is get paid to manipulate people, something USA kinda built its basis around. Leave those people alone already. We don't need their sugar. We dont need their oil. They don't want us changing there lifestyles.And they don't want to be christian or forced to speak English. And now that we have a checks and balance system with the internet, your fabricated stories are not really impacting anyone. And I'm a military rat, but it's hard to express pride in my country, even though I am proud, I just connect the constant racial reminders as just being a closed minded, selfish, limited person. And probably poor, because it doesn't cost much to go on vacation. All I have to do is login to a social media app and boom, I can have whatever I want lol. The new kids in the block work together. That’s why I am #TEAMTREES.

So if you experience anything traumatic at all in your life, and you're still getting attached to people and putting others before yourself. I got your back friend. Those are the people that add value to my life. Let's make this money! I am your leader, your adviser, your safety net.

Everyone in LA knows me and is most likely related to me. Money was never really an issue growing up, because a lot of my family members are degree graduates, business owners, military, DoD contracted “Raytheon” “Boeing” “Honeywell”, athletes, and “I don’t want to talk to my family no mo” celebrities. I didn’t start having conversations with people in person until I was around 22. But If you want to know my story, my actual story. From how to grow up depressed and suicidal as early as 7, with no parenting to becoming an extremely intelligent businessman, caring person, and now finding my voice, confidence, and desire to live. You know a-lot that ongoing anxiety upon looking at people, or looking in the mirror, or becoming paralyzed in big crowds had a lot to do with my brain, and that I overthink. Because I’m used to being alone and I would write books as a kid so that i could talk to myself in my head as i planned out exciting storylines. Also I was very scared and felt like I needed to know everything about everything if i was going to ever get people to see me. But it was just all in my head…. My own perspective….. I can ramble about anything because I had no self awareness of myself. I couldn’t see myself so I had no idea that basically your looks are the main determining factor in your success in interactions with others. I was so fascinated with learning and I though if i practiced with my brain and studied people’s behaviors that I would eventually be able to read minds. While i can’t exactly read minds or do allelopathy like the plants can, I can read behaviors, the animals have taught me how to focus more on the sounds of the tone of voice, and that body language is more accurate that trusting that what that person is saying is true. That lack of trust motivated me to be self-sufficient. And because I ramble a lot, I’m going to cut the story there to say that I have had to live as 3 separate identities growing up and my mind has such a wide scope. I’ve really good at producing quality work. I just have to start broad and release all my creative ideas at one. Then slowly refine, cut out the fluff, meaningless info, stuff not related to the goal. I was tormented so much that I think its Time that I tell my story. Instead of just keeping everything to myself and pretending to be perfect. Even though I am. So I’m going to humble myself and be careless so that others can more easily connect with me and hopefully so many ignored, lonely m unseen, undervalued people can gain inspiration and not settle for a job because they have to and they are judged by the format of their resume and fitting into culture of a company that just manipulates people as a way of practice… no more… its time to invest in yourself first! And I’m here to help! Welcome to the Team…

{“A?”:”B”,”a”:5,”d”:”B”,”h”:”","c":"DAElPp_EmsM","i":"p4oRYsXcyMhPCUi-82VvdQ","b":1627251412442,"A":[{"A?":"K","A":101.41353500827299,"B":77.68998000702885,"D":636.9677995475631,"C":420.3447879319627,"N":"paragraph1","a":{"A":[{"A?":"A","A":"Mostly because they didn’t finish middle school themselves, so I had to teach them proper English. And When computers came out, especially the Apple one. It was so beautiful an efficient. But I started being placed in schools that were ranked rarely high in education. First i was in the magnet program, then i went to private school. Then back to school that only accepted students based on GPA for exams. And also I did every sport, because in LA minority are conditioned that if they are not good at school, the next pathway, for a man was to be athletic…. But fast forward to my point. I wasn’t able to connect with people because I kept moving around a-lot due to military family and was very much ostracized and just primarily used the computer to explore and learn everything about the world on Google.I learned HTML from Myspace. I was an honors Ap student, took extracurricular activities, worked jobs, babysat children when their parents could not, and concurrently taking college courses. So by forcing me to overeducate myself, which was very fun for me. I like walking around with the confidence that I am number 1 at everything… I’m done rambling for now. I’m going to make another post with my old rambles. Talking about myself helps me connect with people but does nothing for me professional or in a business setting. I literally think I am a robot sometimes. Skipping 2 days of sleep becasue I researching or wasting my time trying to “monetize” things. So when I do monetize things… I’m getting all the homies off the street. And back in their bag. Because it's not that hard to make money, now that I wasted so much time investigating hidden, not talked about tactics employers use out of fear? To limit and oppress people. That’ s why I mostly worked government jobs. I was a government official and was instructed not to really interact with the public. You guys don't even know how much I contributed to this country. They just let the tv manipulate you into letting some bitter old man take pride in claiming an achievement because they are egotistical and that they actually matter. We really dont need a “leader”. We just need to learn to respect each other and do the work ourselves. That was the big issue in history. Laziness. Ego. Need slaves or peasants to do the work for us. Because we have no talent, skill, and have sex with our cousins and don't realize it because we are so ignorant we think females are withes when they express themselves.

Shout out to all the black owned business and the woman that do on their own and not just lay on their back hoping a man would respect them. You have so much more value than that.

Nature’s Uprise
Nature’s Uprise

Written by Nature’s Uprise

"Machine Learning Mind Matrix" study of psychology, mental health, & nature. Join us to uncover mysteries of the mind & unlock human potential.

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