I wonder… oh I forget.. society got dumb so we need a basic informal conversation for Dummies Book now… for the ones that survived being forced into English, because I’m exhausted talking to someone not paying attention, the intention is just to be disrespectful, or the more likely cause.. a dummy that doesn’t know English.. because that’s going to ultimately be their demise.. not mine… and IDGAF… come fight me if your that ignorant about accepting people’s perspectives. Because someone would get paid for that book! Duh… but of course… attack the black one… your not even hurting me enough…I’m still alive.. so make that stop and then you can be ignorant by yourself and I can go be sleep… forever… that would be a blessing but you cursed it into blocking me from researching more effective suicide… and you can be here by yourself, with no opinions, because there is nothing I can ever do to help a person, they won’t see it as help, let them die, IDGAF, not my problem, I don’t have to be nice or friendly… actually those traits usually make a person more vulnerable. But oh yea… I’m in Psychosis… supposedly.. that’s why I tune out ignorance… they just project without even obtaining enough facts… because first of all.. what is Psychosis… start there… and how do you know if I didn’t speak or provide anything.. they don’t even let you talk really, but they can just talk to themselves. I can just leave the room.. they can talk to a robot… I wonder how many years until they realize they are talking to a robot… and why do people always make everything about them… I know people are scared pussies and they talk shit indirectly but that’s how you know it’s not me.. and maybe a fake account, because I don’t do fake shit. if I don’t like your ass… I will tell you direct… I don’t even gossip… I mind my business. but who minds their business. you might lose a business… I could take a lot of money from businesses, but even I got better shit to do than destroying that, they fall on their own, without me, they don’t even value employees so let them have the right to own and manage their employees, that’s not even right to work but you could still lose money if you let someone go for discrimination so already a flaw in a lot of business mindsets… but they make fun of our Growth Mindset content… but that’s why A lot of people will continue to suffer endlessly, always making joy in others “misery” but who asked them to talk? That’s why… they can go make fun of the disaster of them possibly dying, lose of all businesses and services, food, electricity, as I do nothing for their lack of educated or motivated employees and I just kinda make my death? Slower? Shoot me? These people can ask for something but I already know the barrier… they want all that fake shit… so that’s why you can go ask anything that cares about you… if anyone falls in that category… in their mind… and I can just… die… slow… really … really… slow. I think living is a curse, especially being around other humans.. that’s why they are still chasing after their god.. and people still don’t have freedom… okay but are they restricted by someone pretending to help them, or are they also uneducated? Is anyone not free to control their life and experiences? Because I think I just stopped caring… probably a liar… manipulative… fake… scam… propaganda behind that one… yea that’s not my life… and I don’t think anyone cares, that’s why it’s probably like that, to begin with… people don’t care about other people they just pretend to get a good image from other fake people.. but that’s why I hide from people, your always free if you can’t e seen, even if your right in front of them.. they will see whatever they want… and if your black… they will see aggression or ignorance… that’s what I see too, but they don’t care about Martin Luther King either, so I doubt education would resolve anything, let them chase after money… or waste company time for it… and since I don’t have the freedom to instant death, I’ll use do stufff!!! Oh no! I’m evil! Get back to work! Let’s see if your employer will give a voice before they fire you for a complaint… because I’m sure they value feedback more than an employee… I wouldn’t even value an employee if I’m paying $40,000 a year for them if the employee doesn’t even generate that much by the end of the year.. I’d fire them at the end of the year… or how about no employees, just bots and free traffic and labor… that would be like having honest, ethical, hard working employees all the time, they don’t even ruin your business, but yet target me.. attack me… so I can die….slowly… because apparently I got a long time, to just work by myself, because apparently even if I simplified it for them, they will find a way to laugh, destroy it, or take it… but they would never do it themselves, duh they don’t want to work, that’s why they needed slaves… god forbid the Queen if she had to do anything for herself or her country… you might have to go back to slavery if you can’t work together… because I doubt those white people that keep fighting over opinions and perspectives will ever work… oh no.. that’s why Asians work together…. Let them argue by themselves… playing video games might might tune out some of the news… it could be the Money Game… with an International Etiquette System… and series of educational challenges to obtain skills or really anything…. who cares about who gets credit… I would rather have solutions but that’s why they have 2,000 years of problems and no one knows what Politics is… I could just toss it away.. or just go suck a dick for money.. while they complain… and I tune it out with music… because I’m black… paying black artists? Oh so evil? I haven’t suffered enough? You.. whoever you end up being.. if anything other than dead, kinda a limitation of being alive… can laugh yourself to death in ignorance, I guess I’m free? But what is free? Freedom to speak? Demonetize? Or flag? Censorship? Hide content? Lose your business for cussing, even the Black artists can cuss in their music… oh they are just stupid.. I’m stupid… I just go in circles.. and wait for things to happen…but the black child creates something, or nothing, their choice… but most men under 30 kinda loss those already…. the fantasy what? No that’s called hormones and visual stimulates curiousity… but I’m still ignorant, I haven’t learned enough about other cultures, I’m stuck in the fantasy too apparently, I thought people were real, oh no all fake… but who did I trust? I’m like a walking lie detector, but the lie only hurts them, because honestly leads people to understanding, death, self love, trust, who cares about a negative opinion or judgement, they will never support anything other than themselves duh… but there’s a too many operations and monopolies… but we don’t even learn about our government in school apparently, but school can only teach you how to learn, so I could have dropped out at Middle School… but… they just like following endless matrix system that leads them to following the next thing… more following…go follow your god… because it could be the earth… keeps you breathing… even if your too dumb to manage that yourself… but…yes, charge them for air!!! Because the plants don’t even produce that crap.. they breathe too, the ocean… no light… no plants… oh yea there’s oxygen there too, bacteria does what now? Now go die because it’s too late because a plant and a tree won’t save you from getting whooshed away by the ocean.. hit by an asteroid…. Beat the fuck up… because when you kill off everything cilivilation and ecosystem in greed for this perception of power… maybe I can go back to sleep, because my biggest mistake… is always leaving the house… but maybe god can help you? Does he want problems? Tyler doesn’t want it either? But let the jesters continue to joke about it… because the writer is the one that has all the power… they control language… perception… you need words on your website… or…okay so is this my story or yours? Because I just minded my own business and supported everything because I can’t do everything by myself, even if I was the creator or whispered an idea to the right person to get things going because we need some evil thing to keep things going, but this isn’t even a challenge really.. I’m Not even the smartest or most skilled, but I’m black… so kill it! Or the cops could get paid to sit in their cars… and not get endlessly targeted for life… their families too…. But I don’t even have a gun… or commit crimes… but they can get paid to just sit in the car… this is now a waste of time, medium doesn’t pay me to write… you get paid to sell things… but I don’t even care about money… So I will just support what supports me… while you do nothing, and I burn…. Like the Witches, and the Libraries… and question the civilizations hidden deep in ocean, but never feel sadness, because for what? No surprise? I don’t run away from people for a living right? I say… there isn’t enough drugs… because I had to smoke weed to slow down.. so I can manage my social anxiety, because I don’t judge people.. too many perspectives, idk how people can have certainty in opinions? Even a favorite color could be hard to choose.. but like I said… even Michael Jackson and the Devil knew my name… arrest me… shoot me.. mental institution… then I’d gain a place to sleep and free food, already getting progress there… but I could also sleep at a bus stop, because there’s no garuntee they would stop, and there’s no public solar panels for the homeless to charge their Obama phones.. because no one with a business will let you do that.. even if you had an emergency or was just lost.. because duh even electricity is more important than money, but they could just burn all the trash and plastic killing everything, because plastic melts right… I haven’t suffered enough… send the person too me… first of all… I’m lazy… don’t see any challenges, but yes you can have my access to my passwords and accounts because I want to know what’s so valuable to hide or secure.. because they are just getting what? Hack who? They just get pictures and bullshit.. no please do not lock my access to my accounts to my phone, that’s evil, you don’t even have social security… but yes let’s not pay taxes… we dont even care about people.. yes let’s pretend to care and not care so we can have… no slaves.. now white man has to work now… killed off the workers.. even the military… but yes.. let them grow their own food.. generate their own power.. most of them don’t even go more than 50 miles from their house… yea let’s talk some shit… that’s like a black thing too right? Yo momma so what? The jump rope game… rap? Oh no they are so sad…. I guess I haven’t suffered enough, but maybe I’m just too young, because the suffering never ends over here… since bloop happened… oh no I never wanted to be born.. I have all my needs met inside mothers stomach…now when do I die, there’s no needs in the afterlife… but no, he lives… but ages at a slower rate… I guess I could just wait out the death of who? Shoot em! Oh I’m in Psychosis I forgot… I need to do more drugs… that might help the slow death… or shut it down… no perspective… no opinions… fight and kill for more oil… and when oil runs out, go back to needed that electricity again… shut down… unplug the internet… now we can all get lost and locked out our accounts and resources and be stupid together, or just go back to farming, it’s not that hard… but yes … it does get worse… but shall I go on… you don’t even know the writer who wrote your history because that’s kinda a small perspective and look what limitations get you…. But a gamer does what… trap out the money system in games, resolve barriers, no we just play GTA and shoot up schools with guns from those parents that think it’s so valuable to have guns because they are so weak.. 2000 years of having the bigger gun got us … relearning history? Or just an Infinite Tsukinoyomi… I could call for backup… but I didn’t didn’t bring out the cousins in Korea yet, no need, they haven’t seen the big oversight in the power situation… go prosecute a bot attacking your business.. I got to generate traffic to my own business now after the 8 years I work by myself because they wanted to support that fake shit… throw it in nonprofits.. great , no money and no freedom… smart.. but too stupid to read IRS website .. ok now go read those laws… then work on international what? Just shoot em! Who cares? They don’t even like god, even if it was the earth that keeps them warm… because even the veterans are homeless now apparently they really don’t care about people, but I repeat myself endlessly until I die.. slowly.. because I’m so evil.. the Green Scientist who did what? Support what? Oh yes they dont even care about their children, because…let them deal with that.. stop education? Because education never stops.. I learn something everything day… culture appreciation? Love our differences? No they know everything, they experienced everything, so they can keep their godly perspective and just be alone in their head, because even I don’t have time to torture, destroy business, because who does that.. oh yea.. but I just find evil in all that time and effort to destroy something that someone worked so hard on… but who worked hard.. because I say there’s not enough work being done.. but who needs money? Not I? Oh no? Not the boss of the bosses… because I just throw money at them… can you breathe? Throw money! Can you write? Throw money! Can you walk? Throw money? Can you provide feedback? Throw money! Can you talk? Throw money! Can you make a video? Throw money! But wait we have calculators… can we like automate the money too, no we are too stupid… can we get paid for every activity we do? No, too stupid? Could we have a more effective society for education, research, development? No we just want to kill off everything in endless greed so we can go work ourselves… we like to work…because without work you’ll be losing a social group… without education you’ll lose one there too, now you can talk to who… the most ignorant of society with no understanding of professionalism or really anything because if your not working or in school you’ll just be around dummies that complain and burn down houses during black lives matters, because they wanted to disrespect the cause by saying ignorant stuff they learned from someone else or a fake post on social media… and then I pray that this job opportunity with this company that made all the money in the world with no employees and just one website… just a search engine… not Google.. even Google is just a bot talking to itself, while you guys figure out how to stop hiding from your selves and just accept yourselves, because at the end of the day, you have no choice… because you are your biggest supporter… especially if it’s the only the thing that can get out of bed.. because no one else will value you more than yourself.. they just judge you and get jealous and lie to you. How about instead of forcing opinions on others that are different, go have your own ideas… but even that would be too good to eliminate plagiarism… that’s why I don’t bother checking, I know the writer… the style.. technique… even if was the ghost writer named Casper… there’s just some brain work in writing some dummies just can’t see…but how did the musicians…. there is so much in Psychology.. but that was my thing… you just put a name on it called it judgement on personalities but gotta get prescribed a drug to have a conversation but get seizures and less brain activity… to generate money back into drugs… but te doctors… oh yea… throw the drug money in education and public what? Forget, they are cursed if they are targeting me anyway… but let the training begin… I must have gotten lazy if they could see me… I can’t even see myself… never had a slave… actually I got everything myself… instant gratification… because you are too lazy, careless, and too slow… and I don’t like to wait… because you are not going to like time travel… that one… your going to go waste your time to go back to ignorance?death? You really want a freaking alien? I don’t even like bugs… I don’t think your going to like that alien.. if we survive long enough… but you want to throw millions into space trash to terraform what? Can you even get in space? Can you come back? What about getting paid to recycle when your homeless because you won’t be getting a home… but you could if you were gay… oh no… the evil gay people that are just stupid because they don’t have Jobs.. duh… catch up… now who said they wanted to inclusiveness for LGBT…because I don’t think we should be supporting the acceptance of having sex with a man… how about shut up.. you don’t need people to know your sex life… duh.. your business.. not everyone’s… down low who… fantasy what… the woman than burn for being dressed like the whore the man portrayed but the woman were not whores they just dressed the part… but then… the men were the whores the whole time… they just couldn’t figure out how understand the hormone thing… because it may not be tied to an orientation… could be a foot.. or an animal.. every time the wind blows… because they might just turn back straight after that hormone thing goes.. but what do I know.. The fantasy what.. no.. I just mind my business because I don’t think there was sexual education… because if you guys took a break from fucking things to death… for like 6 months…. maybe that would eradicate those diseases too.. but even Oprah said maybe the monkeys are just bi… 2010… but no let’s turn the children into money and free labor… because who supports their children? Idk maybe that evil Google Robot.. or website… oh wait… I wasn’t Going there.. because This is Nature’s Uprise… diversity… so let’s see if there is any real in this application to a job… because apparently my taste of business…not a business… but all in my business… was too unrealistic but I got all the time in the world apparently… but you never lose time in your business… but an employer could feel like a waste of time… complaint? Hire off the format of a resume… okay market them to death and make them sign stuff but not read situation… idk maybe it was a fake job… they steal resumes too.. but let’s see… will this employer give me an opportunity or lose one due to a barrier in the interpretation of skills because it wanted that fake credibility the rich people are arguing about, but it’s subjective… ok yes Nature’s Uprise… get all up in my business…but your business was already mine.. even if it was behind those clothes doors… because it better not be fake… a joke… I don’t even need all that money… I mean… $40,000 would have been fine but they did the most… but if it was real… I wonder how much power they would receive, I don’t even have needs… or care for my existence for that matter…. Because every place I worked… was getting a cheat code.. powerhouse that didn’t really care about the money so snuck in free labor just out of loyalty… I think i am loyalty… because your confused husband went back to his family… and it wasn’t destroyed… because it could be the end… but that’s ignorant…FTM and Lesbian relationship? Is that just girls? Lol Yes attack the men!!! So they can seek acceptance for having sex? What? No how about shut the fuck up… see .. I like Russia already, they didn’t even have to run away to go kill off everything else because they thought they had power because they had guns… but I don’t even need a gun… and if I did get shot… hopefully it will be instant… because you could still get beat the fuck up or die…idk if I feel pain when I’m mad… but at least I don’t Drive people off the road and not take meds to keep a job… I need to smoke more actually… apparently I’m not black enough… but I bet you probably wouldn’t be experiencing my pain either… because even I am forced to be nice, even when I could… but people could make mistakes or have a bad day.. so I dissispcated because I was so uneducated that I went to work at a gas station like you wanted…because I wouldn’t stop them from just walking out either…. Yea I guess maybe my life is more valuable than that job.. but then again, I’ve never met this serial killer either.. just anger and jealousy… but then again you guys always throw away the men in society so they end up in the fantasy instead of suicide for wishing away all this random persons problems away and money too.. so they can live for free, sugar what? Baby daddy what? Okay yea that’s why the Queen never did anything for society but create slaves… or slaves… the Queen Bee… she’s mean… she can’t.. bees don’t live that long… but neither do men… so the woman could have been more powerful but then I ended up being both genders… but even I raised kids… that actually softened my heart… because omg… yes I think I was the devil before… I literally couldn’t feel anything… but no one said anything bad about me and survived… we could just be.. not that persons type or style… and they could just make their own style too.. but I might take that away too…but I’m not even human… Android…an observer… do I sleep… so I just brainstorm and plan in my dreams… but why are you scared of Trump.. what did he do.. you didn’t get blown up.. the gamers already knew about Korea… you need a social or something to access that crap… but then our version of robbing a bank is taking a penny out all accounts.. no… YouTube.. million followers… charge them a dollar.. instant million… free workers.. customer service what? Instant Monetization? Wait you guys don’t Like Google… ok I prolonged it enough…let’s get some animals out the destruction of civilization system too… but even if it was fake… who actually loss something? I’m retired.. food and water is free. So what else do you greedy people need… free drugs? Free sex? Your just hiding from yourselves.. so get all in the business, but it can have two directions, business or personal, but they might be fantasies too, idk…psychosis… my T cells are suppressed so ignorance really did block you from my blessings too… they don’t understand the laws apparently that say case dismissed… because maybe me beating up a group of police and correction officers in one day… maybe I could work… hmm… but then Latino cultures still have to figure out if they are white or black… I don’t know what makes a culture.. birth.. ignorance.. dna.. social groups… marriage… location… interest… but you could figure that out in VR reality experiences too but your right… run from technology because that ruined everything the first time right? Robots are given too many task, and human is too stupid, so robot continually gets maintained and updated… and spit errror… but how scary is robot if it’s life is tied to electricity.. But we produce that by driving, I guess we could get paid to do that… but no more free solutions… get to supporting anything but yourself and maybe something could support you back.. or just… follow the writer than lead you to inaccuracy and death… I love the heat… I’m like a heat seeker or something.. no maybe I just have a powerful hacker.. who knows? I’m stupid… I have nothing.. I don’t even have rights… but I age at different rate? Why can’t we have fresh water, it falls from the fucking sky.. our laws need revision.. because no one read them… they were too subjective… let’s throw covid.. but who loss anything? The ones that were stopping their businesses in ignorance?? My education is still going… shoot em!! But what business ever had expenses? See get out my business!!! Burn it out of history… you saw the animals acting strange too? Oh it gets much worse… but I’m just rambling and have no facts… just hearsay.. mind my business… who? Wait let me go cry about something and pretend to be weak or scared… nope…. No fake shit here.. But how real was I.. what was my name? and which one? version with the number or the one with the pin? Keep all the tax refunds… take all my money!! We need resources to be realistic, because you might need a place to charge your phone while you you get spoofed… or just use Nature… ok I had fun.. no more.. I don’t even care that much.. just a gamer.. actor.. John smith…the patriot? No? Just a free man.. you can decide your path.. it doesn’t have to be stupid either… I’m already there… maybe you can have some Smart Shit… SmartMusic.. whatever just take it, I never got paid for my ideas, they actually got me free companies that generate my toys faster… maybe I had slaves too… but who had choices? But who got left out? Trump did what? Navy Federal did what? Maybe it was a fantasy.. but China says I’m a Rooster.. I just wake people up…but that was like a parent too…okay who’s turn is it now… I think I held the heat long enough… but my skin turn turns red when I burn not black… but I always had diverse family background.. because how do you stay one culture for 2000 years… sex education just ended.