The Green Scientist Dummy Guide To Earning Money on Websites Like Medium
Disclaimer: Medium specifically states that it is against curating post that talk about content regarding medium. Therefore we expect this post to be a volunteer read for the community but will not generate income for us. It is unclear how other writers have gotten their post about earning money on Medium curated. You see there is already controversy and unfair practices allegedly being done. But we aren’t here to challenge them, but make it easier to understand exactly what is happening to generate a payment for your effort put into your writing.
So Why On Earth Would Medium Pay Writers For Their Post and is It a Scam?
Long story short is that Medium, is a website, which like most others obtains its money primarily through network traffic and how many visitors are coming to the site to read free articles and even better becoming paid subscribers of the website. Although they don’t have to pay you at all, your technically not an employee on payroll, and more than likely you probably won’t receive a payment for your effort at all. But similar to social media websites and YouTube they have agreed and introduced a payment incentive for content writers as a thank you for their impact on increasing network traffic coming into their website as well as legitimately referred clients that subscribe to their paid service. So what this basically means is that the payment is not directly based on the amount of effort or quality of the post you submit, and that it will be based on the amount of readers your post will generate. So if you are a newbie writer that no one has ever heard of before, then you can expect your first post to go completely unread, unless you have a preexisting fan or follower base that you can promote your content on to increase the amount of traffic going to your article. Even if your just starting out on building your name and brand in the Medium community, there are some other tricks to get your post on people’s reader screen. One trick is to optimize your post and headers for SEO, this will increase the rank at which your article appears on Google Search Results should someone use similar keywords connected with your post. Another method is to properly tag the topics discussed in the article settings, this will cause it to appear in certain categories, and if a reader is interested in that category your post could appear for them to click on. Readers on Medium can only read a limited amount of articles per month, unless they join a paid plan. Reading your post will disperse the value amount for reading your post out of their paid subscription cost. You are not receiving payment just for clicks referred to your post. And although it is a little advanced and risky, Medium does seem to allow you to earn more by completely monetizing your post, collecting subscribers, ad revenue generated, donations, affiliate marketing, referrals, premium sign ups, sales, sponsored content, and more. A lot of these tactics can take away from the integrity of the post and more than likely could stop curation or flag remove a post. So use at your own caution. The good news going forward is that you can accrue more subscribers with each post which will later be notified to check out reading your future post as a free form of advertising. Medium does not advertise your post to new readers, however if a publication adopts your post it can be advertised to their large reader fan base which may boost the traffic of readers coming to your post. You don’t have to be the best writer in the world but the quality of your content, interest in topic and ideas, and following Mediums curation guidelines can help make the content more interesting for readers to read or to recommend to others. So clean up writing errors, cite sources and add visual content when necessary.
So in Summary, the more traffic you promote to your post, the higher your potential to earn money will be
Individuals will be able to leave revision or claps to your post to interact with the content you created. This is how you can gauge how well a post is doing in comparison with another one. It is recommended to remove or repurpose old post that could be improved for a second attempt at earning money in the curation algorithm. Remember although there is freedom of speech, content that is hateful or unprofessional in language most likely would offend people and impact how well it performs. There is a strategy to increase interested readers based on the persuasiveness of your post title, but don’t use click bait or alarming titles that would scare them away.
Don’t Be Fooled By All The Post About How Much Money People are Earning on Medium
First of all, these are mostly click bait to entice you to read their article, but there is no verifiable way to prove that these numbers are accurate and in the long run of things you’ll need to accrue and cater to your established fan base or network of subscribers as their activity is what helps maintain a consistent or growing revenue from the Medium community.
I bet you won’t find many other writers on Medium discussing the material covered in this post. This is a completely original post from The Green Scientist Jamal Muwwakkil. If you are interested in reading more post like this or contributing in further discussions we have, check us out on Twitter @Uprise_s or listen to our podcast called Nature’s Uprise The Discussion. This can be applied to all websites that pay you money for your content, such as YouTube. It’s all based on the amount of network traffic you drive to boost popularity to their website. You don’t just simply get money to post content if no one is viewing or reading it. Once you become well known in the social media world, you’ll start to have more pull making earning money overtime much easier and less about luck.
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